Google This: Why Did Google Change Its Logo?

By: Jasmine Razi  |  September 18, 2015


The beginning of the school year always brings lots of change and new things. Designers and brands come out with new collections of clothing, and companies market their “back to school specials.” Google has decided to embrace this time for change by contributing a change of their own: a new Google logo.

Google has decided to abandon its well known serif word mark font, which they has used for the past fifteen years, replacing it with a new animated sans serif primary colored logo. More noticeably, if you are using the Google mobile app, the Google logo now manifests itself as a multi-colored and bubbly “G”.

It seems as though Google is not alone in its decision to change its well known logo. In the past two years alone, countless companies including Starbucks, American Airlines, Facebook, and many others have taken the liberty to change their age-old logos. Many pundits agree that a company’s logo reveals much about the company and what it represents.

Logos also have the ability to evoke emotional responses from consumers and create sentimental connections between the company and the consumer. For example, when a person sees the logo for Nike, they may associate speed, high performance, and victory. However, most importantly, a company’s logo functions as the company’s identifier and a symbol that consumers recognize.

So, why did Google suddenly decide to change its logo that we have all come to know and love?

According to the Official Google Blog, the main reason for the change can be attributed to the fact that Google is available on so many platforms: “…more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan.”

If you want to use Google, you no longer need to sit down at a desktop. With the expansion of technology and its mobility, many users are accessing Google through their cellphones, tablets, and even watches. Thus, Google is seeking to create an image with its new multi colored “G” mobile logo that will stand out more on on mobile devices and make it easier for users when using the app.

However, if we take a deeper look about Google’s progress over the past seventeen years, we may see a greater reason for the change beyond basic technicalities.

Google began in 1997 as small search engine. It was simply a tool for those seeking further knowledge. Almost twenty years later, the company has grown into a global phenomenon and evolved into a platform that invades every aspect of life. Whether you are getting directions using Google Maps, answering your emails through Gmail, or ordering groceries via Google Shopping, Google does it all.

Google is no longer just a search engine. It seeks to create self driving cars and infuse the world with magnificent innovations. The company has changed tremendously in the past 17 years. It is about time their logo reflects that change.